Recent News
Things finally began to move in the General Assembly this week as the Senate ended debate on the education reform bill (S. 419) and sent it to the House. In the ongoing debate in both the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Ad Hoc Committee regarding Santee Cooper, the House Ways and Means Ad Hoc Committee voted unanimously to reject the three options presented (sale, management, or restructuring). The House then introduced a bill (... Read more
There was not a lot of legislative activity as the General Assembly continues to be bogged down with the education reform bill (S. 419) and Santee Cooper. One hundred of the more than 200 amendments to S. 419 were withdrawn. Hopefully since cloture has been invoked on the bill and no more amendments can be added, this will allow the Senate to finish up the bill soon. The House Ways and Means Ad Hoc Committee and the Senate Finance Committee both heard testimony on Santee Cooper. The... Read more

S.C. Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office Executive Director Frank A. Rainwater and Assistant Political Cartographer Victor Frontroth discussed working with the Census Bureau on the 2020 Census Redistricting Program and its implications for counties.
Redistricting 101
S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce Executive Director Dan Ellzey covered employment numbers and SCDEW initiatives throughout the state to continue to provide... Read more

SCAC Executive Director Tim Winslow meets with
House Speaker Jay Lucas.
The Senate continued to debate the comprehensive education reform bill this week. The Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee received the findings from the Department of Administration pursuant to a 2017 joint resolution on whether or not to sell Santee Cooper. In a joint meeting, the committees heard... Read more