Recent News


The National Association of Counties (NACo) kicked off a new weekly webinar series to help counties stay informed and equipped to navigate the changing federal government landscape.

The First 100 Days series, provides timely analysis on developments in the first 100 days of the Trump administration.

The webinars focus on policies and actions that directly impact counties, including federal... Read more

SCAC Staff Attorney Leslie Simpson testifies at a House Military and Veterans Affairs subcommittee on county veterans’ affairs officers.
SCAC Staff Attorney Leslie Simpson testifies at a House Military and Veterans Affairs subcommittee on county veterans’ affairs officers.

The... Read more


Gov. Henry McMaster gave his State of the State address Wednesday night, focusing on South Carolina’s achievements in attracting people and businesses over the past year. He also mentioned tax cuts, teacher pay raises, and infrastructure as high priorities that he would like for the General Assembly to continue to address.

Throughout the week, the Senate spent time debating a school voucher bill (... Read more


The University of South Carolina, Clemson University and the College of Charleston Master of Public Administration Programs (MPA) will host a joint online information session on MPA options in South Carolina.

Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025
6-7 p.m.

Make plans to participate in this session to learn about the MPA degree offered by the three universities and to hear from successful state and local government leaders who have their MPAs.

This event is open to anyone considering an MPA degree and to employers to learn more... Read more
