Recent News

Special thanks to Rep. Bill Sandifer, Chairman of the House
Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee for meeting
with SCAC staff.
The General Assembly officially began the second year of a two-year session on Tuesday. This being the second year of the session, there is considerable pending legislation. SCAC staff expects the... Read more
State Revolving Fund Workshop
February 19, 2020
Check In: 9:00 a.m.
Workshop: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and the RIA will be holding a FREE half day workshop to provide technical and financial information necessary to apply for infrastructure project funding from the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) Programs.
“Low Cost Financing for Infrastructure”
Midlands Technical College—Northeast Campus
Technology Center... Read more
SCAC will continue to offer training on OSHA topics again this year. Please circulate the OSHA class schedule to employees and managers and encourage them to register for classes. There must be at least 12 confirmed registrations to hold a class. Certificates of risk management continuing education hours will be issued to all participants. Even though employees may have attended a class on these topics recently, we strongly encourage them... Read more

Planning and zoning officials are tasked with making sound decisions that impact the quality of life of their communities. New commissioners and board members and county planning and zoning professionals are required to complete six hours of orientation training and three hours of continuing education each year thereafter. As prescribed in S.C. Code of Laws 6-29-1330, the orientation and continuing education training must be from an approved sponsor of the South Carolina Planning Education Advisory Committee (SCPEAC).
Since becoming an SCPEAC approved sponsor in 2005, SCAC has hosted... Read more
The Revenue Resources and Home Rule Handbook supplements for 2019 are now available online. You can also access Policy... Read more