Recent News
This week much of the General Assembly’s attention focused on judicial elections, selection of a new DHEC Director, and COVID-19 vaccinations. They did take action on several bills of interest that will be discussed.
Revenue, Finance, and Economic Development
Tort Claims Act – S. 82. S. 82 would raise the existing caps on damages found in the Tort Claims Act (TCA) from $300,000 to $500,000 per individual, and from $600,000 to $1 million per occurrence. The... Read more

The General Assembly was back in full swing this week. Several bills moved out of committees, were debated, and passed from one chamber to the other. Much of the debate in the chambers dealt with Santee Cooper, abortion, and efforts to expedite COVID-19 vaccinations.
Revenue, Finance, and Economic Development... Read more
For information on Orientation for Newly-Elected Council Members, the S.C. Local Government Attorneys' Institute, and the 2021 J. Mitchell Graham and Barrett Lawrimore Memorial Awards, and more, check out the new edition of the Carolina Counties newsletter.Read more
On January 15, President Biden and his administration unveiled the outline for a national COVID-19 vaccination strategy, which seeks to address challenges faced by local governments in distributing the vaccine. This five-part plan outlines key actions that the Biden Administration will work to take at the federal level to aid the efficient and equitable vaccination of U.S. residents.
NACo has provided a... Read more
SC DHEC has released information regarding the state’s schedule of vaccinations including which groups are eligible in each phase.Read more