SCAC’s Digital Communications: Are You in the Know on the SC General Assembly’s Actions and Association Events?

SCAC is now distributing Friday Reports, Legislative Alerts, and conference registration information digitally through social media, Constant Contact emails, and on its website. Paper copies will no longer be mailed. As local leaders, SCAC wants to make sure all county officials and staff members continue to receive critical legislative and conference information. Sign up to receive Friday Reports and other emails. If you are already signed up to receive Friday Report emails and have not been receiving them, please contact Jennifer Haworth, SCAC Member Services Coordinator, at or (803) 252-7255.

Follow SCAC on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to learn what’s happening at the State house and how SCAC’s programs, services, and conferences can benefit your county. Find us at SCCounties on Facebook and Twitter, and South Carolina Association of Counties on LinkedIn. Help us amplify your county’s good news by tagging SCAC in your posts and/or using the #SCCounties, #LocalLeaders, and #StatewideStrength hashtags.