2023 SC BikeWalkTrails Summit

The SC Bike Walk Trails Summit will be hosted by the Palmetto Cycling Coalition and SC Trails Coalition June 8-9, 2023, in Newberry.

The target audience is professionals in planning, engineering, community, economic, and trail development, tourism; leadership among communities and various levels of boards, commissions, and elected offices. Continuing education credits are in development.

Session tracks are:

  1. Community engagement, equity, and regulations: One of the toughest parts of the job of any community planner or engineer is constructing projects that reflect community needs. How to best engage communities to gather quality public input. How to advance equitable community development. How do regulations that govern mobility serve communities?
  2. Planning, design, & jurisdictional coordination: What are model trail, sidewalk, or bike plans across South Carolina? How are cities and towns getting these funded and implemented? What are model examples of seeing a vision become a reality, by coordinating across various jurisdictions
  3. Community development & funding: How to best use public funding to develop communities where all are served well. What funding sources are working well at implementing plans across South Carolina, and what additional sources should be used? Hear from leaders who are tapping funding to transform their towns.

For more information, including registration, visit the event page.