2021 Supplement for Guide to Land Use Planning for South Carolina, 2017 Edition

Act No. 163 of 2020 added a new required element to county comprehensive plans. The new resiliency element requires jurisdictions to consider the potential impacts of flooding or other natural hazards on citizens and the community. This element should be considered in coordination with the relevant jurisdictions adjacent to the county (i.e., municipalities and SPDs.) Counties should begin examining the flood potential or natural hazards and must incorporate resiliency planning in the next 5- or 10-year comprehensive plan review. A supplement for SCAC’s Guide to Land Use Planning for South Carolina, 2017 Edition is available and should be added between pages 14 and 15. If you have any questions, please contact John DeLoache, SCAC Senior Staff Attorney, at JDeloache@scac.sc or (803) 252-7255 ext. 324.